Award Rules


The Faculty of Law and the Revista Jurídica de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (hereinafter, “Journal” or “RJUAM”) announce the I RJUAM AWARD FOR THE BEST PUBLISHED PAPER according to the following rules:


I.                    PURPOSE AND CATEGORIES

The purpose of this award is to recognize the quality of the best papers published in issues 51 and 52 of RJUAM. Lessons, reviews, case commentaries, and other publications not subject to peer review are excluded.

This award only recognizes the scientific merit of the submitted work, and therefore does not constitute a financial compensation derived from the transfer of intellectual or industrial property rights, nor does it replace such compensation.

Authors must indicate whether they wish to compete for the award and, if so, in which of the following categories they wish to participate:

(i)   Public Law.

(ii)  Private Law.

(iii) Political Science and International Relations.

Papers submitted before the publication of issues 51 and 52 but published in a later issue may be considered, if applicable, in the corresponding edition of the Award.


II.                  PRIZE

For each category, a single prize of 1,000 euros will be awarded.

If, in the opinion of the evaluation committee, none of the published works in a category is of sufficient quality, no prize will be awarded.

The Award may not be granted ex aequo to more than one author.



The Editorial Board of RJUAM, once issues 51 and 52 of the journal have been published, will designate an evaluation committee for each category of the Award. The committees will be composed of recognized experts in the relevant fields of knowledge, based on the themes of the papers published in each category.

Each member of each committee will receive a copy of the papers corresponding to their category. They will also receive a ballot through which they may propose up to three papers for the award, in order of preference, or propose that the Award be declared void.

The Director of RJUAM will collect the individual ballots and prepare a table summarizing the votes for each category, assigning the following values to each preference:

(i)   Each time an paper is proposed as the first choice for the award, it will receive three points.

(ii)  Each time an paper is proposed as the second choice for the award, it will receive two points.

(iii) Each time an paper is proposed as the third choice for the award, it will receive one point.

The awarded paper in each category will be selected according to the following rules:

(i)   If, in the opinion of half of the members of a committee, none of the published works in a category is of sufficient quality, no prize will be awarded for that category.

(ii)  If, in the opinion of one-third of the members of a committee, none of the published works in a category is of sufficient quality, but at least one paper has received one-third or more of the points awarded, the prize will be awarded to the paper that has received the most points.

If no paper receives one-third of the points awarded, no prize will be awarded.

(iii) If less than one-third of the members of a committee propose that the Award not be granted, the paper that has received the most points will be awarded.

(iv)  In case of a tie between two papers, the one that has been proposed the most times as the first choice for the award will be preferred.

If the tie persists, the one that has been proposed the most times as the second choice for the award will be preferred.

Ultimately, after consulting the Advisory Board of RJUAM, the Editorial Board will resolve the tie by secret ballot.

The composition of the evaluation committee, the anonymized ballots, and the vote count tables will be published along with the Award decision.



In case of any doubt regarding the interpretation of these rules, the resolution will be the responsibility of the RJUAM Directorate, which will decide by simple majority. In case of a tie, the Director's vote will be decisive.

If the Directorate deems it necessary due to the complexity of the dispute, it may convene an extraordinary meeting of the Editorial Board to resolve it.



Participation in the Award implies acceptance of all the rules.

Failure to comply with the conditions considered for the granting of the awards may result in the modification of the award decision, as well as the reimbursement of the amounts received. In particular, non-compliance will be considered the discovery of a lack of originality or authorship of the published paper (e.g., plagiarism or prior publication of the same text), as well as the subsequent publication of the paper in another journal, book, or other type of work without the authorization of the RJUAM Editorial Board.

In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, participants are informed and expressly and unequivocally consent to the inclusion of the personal data they provide in files under the responsibility of RJUAM, as well as to the publication of such data, including their image, on RJUAM's website and social networks.